Racing Glaciers by mystupidsketchbookArtwork by @mystupidsketchbook

WHO are they?
“Four of us – Tim Monaghan, Danny Thorpe, Simon John and Matt Welch – have been playing music together for ages. Racing Glaciers was the first time we started writing and releasing things, in 2012. Matt (Scheepers) joined us on drums about three years ago.”

Racing Glaciers’ debut album Caught In The Strange is out through Killing Moon on August 5th.

WHAT is the inspiration behind their debut album?
“It ended up being quite a heady album, there’s a few darker tracks and we got more experimental with sounds and arrangements. Inspiration comes from our own experiences as a band or individuals really. In the end it’s down to whoever’s listening to take it in their own way.”

Racing Glaciers

WHERE did they grow up?
“We grew up in Macclesfield, it’s near the hills and you can easily get out in the forest, or Manchester if you want – it’s just a town like anywhere else. Matt (drums) grew up down South. I think touring and travelling has shaped us more than anything, especially gigging round Europe.”

WHY are they called Racing Glaciers?
“No idea, it fits what we do so we’re happy.”

WHEN can I see them live?
“Check the website!”

HOW can I get to know them better?
Listen & Watch: Soundcloud // Spotify// Youtube
Like & Follow: Facebook // Twitter // Instagram

Listen to new single Patient Man from their debut album
