Guest Singer by mystupidsketchbook
Artwork by @mystupidsketchbook

WHO is he?
GUEST SINGER is the music project of JAKE COPE, joined by PAUL BURDETT and FRANCE LAHMAR. His debut single New Experience is out now via Heist or Hit.

“We started playing music as an escape really, I think that’s the main reason anyone starts isn’t it? Something to focus our combined inner universal energy on. It was also just something for us to do on a weekend.”

WHAT is the inspiration behind his songs?
“I’m singing about all sorts of things, but when I’m writing I make sure I keep repeating the same three words in my head, over and over again. ‘Live, Laugh, Love’.”

Guest Singer by Graeme Oxby

Photo: Graeme Oxby

WHERE did he grow up?
“We grew up in Doncaster and still live there. It can be a bleak place at times, void of opportunity. Musically at least. Not to say there aren’t people making music but as far as a scene goes, there isn’t one. In a way though that’s good because it allows you to be shaped by your surroundings and situation a lot more, rather than what other people are doing musically.”

WHY the name ‘Guest Singer’?
“It can be anything. Faceless and not attached to any particular feeling, so we can project anything we want from it. It also can be confusing as the support slot on a poster.”

WHEN can I see him live?
GUEST SINGER plays with HER’S in Manchester at Band On The Wall on 15th February and in Sheffield at Yellow Arch Studios on 16th February.

HOW can I get to know him better?
Listen & Watch: Soundcloud // Spotify // Youtube
Like & Follow: Facebook // Twitter // Instagram

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