Tiny Little Houses by mystupidsketchbook

Artwork by @mystupidsketchbook

WHO are they?
“Hello, we are four boys from Melbourne, Australia who like 90’s sad folk/pop and rock so we started playing music together. I originally started Tiny Little Houses as a solo project but it expanded as we added more friends. I started writing songs for TLH in 2012 but we didn’t really get anything together until 2014.”

WHAT is the inspiration behind their songs?
“Our EP You tore out my heart was mostly about relationships, but our up-coming album has been more focussed on the realities of this world and growing up, with the complication of love thrown in the mix. I read a lot of poetry and books so there is always inspiration from those, especially obscure poetry books I find in op shops which I try to give new life. In terms of our favourite bands we love everything from Elliott Smith to My Bloody Valentine, too opposite ends of the indie music spectrum yet somehow always felt like they evoke similar feelings in me. We’d love to be a mix somewhere in between.”

WHERE did they grow up?
“I grew up in small country towns in South Australia and Western Australia until I moved to Melbourne a few years ago, Sean is from Melbourne, Clancy is from a small town in Victoria called Inverloch and Al is from Newcastle in New South Wales. I’m not sure those places influenced our music all that much. Melbourne has been the biggest influence and I guess that’s because I moved here during those years when you solidify your taste in music. The music scene in Melbourne and Australia in general is really thriving at the moment. There are too many good bands to mention, but you should check out these locals who are destined for big things, Wedding Ring Bells, Good Morning, Crepes, Hollow Everdaze, Gabriella Cohen, IV League to name a few.”

Tiny Little Houses

WHY are they called Tiny Little Houses?
“Never have a good answer for this one. I just chose it when I put some songs on Soundcloud years ago and it stuck. Was heavily listening to Erics Trip and the line ‘Little Tiny Rooms that our friend calls a home’ from Sand always stuck out to me so go listen to that song.”

WHEN can I see them live?
“We are going on tour on Friday, (our biggest one to date) we are playing Sydney on the 22nd, Brisbane on the 23rd, Adelaide 27th, and Melbourne on the 28th at the Northcote Social Club.”

HOW can I get to know them better?
Listen & Watch: Soundcloud // Spotify // Bandcamp // Youtube
Like & Follow: Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Tumblr
