Average Sex by mystupidsketchbookArtwork by @mystupidsketchbook

WHO are they?
The band consists of Laetitia Bocquet (vocals), Sam O’Donovan (guitar, vocals), Finnegan Kidd (drums), Camilla Morelli (guitar), Jamie Graeme (bass).

Their single We’re Done is out now on Crocodile Records (download and cassette).

“We (Sam and Laetitia) met a year ago through mutual friends at a concert in East London, we jokingly talked about writing songs together but actually followed through with it. After writing a few demos we were asked by Crocodile Rcds to be on their summer compilation. This is when Jamie and Finn joined to record Ice Cream. After that, we played our first show in September. Camilla has recently joined us as second guitar.”

WHAT is the inspiration behind their songs?
Laetitia: “I mostly write silly lyrics about the embarrassing aspects of being in love, especially about being obsessed with someone and getting rejected. I’m quite a fan of the way bands like Sleater-Kinney, Garbage or Lush write about that. Some of our songs are a bit more serious, like To My Dead Friend that is about a close friend of mine who passed away. But my lyrics aren’t always from personal experience, I don’t slash people’s tyres and I don’t set dogs on fire!”

Sam: “Musically, we’re influenced by lots of British and American alternative pop bands from the early 80s through to the mid 90s. Pavement, Orange Juice, The Pastels, The Smiths, Weezer to name a few. We make playlists on Spotify – follow us and find out more!

WHERE are they from?
Sam: “I grew up in London and it’s been great because there is a lot of talented musicians and creative people who live here. As London is so diverse it means that I’ve had the opportunity to meet like minded people from all over the world, Laetitia being from Paris and Camilla from Rome for example.”

Laetitia: “English isn’t my first language, I’m French, so it really shapes the way I write, I make a lot mistakes. My ex called it broken English. I can’t even pronounce some of the words properly when I sing… I’ve been in London for 8 years now so I don’t think I can improve much more at that stage! I love the music scene in London, a lot happens all the time and it gave us the opportunity to play a lot of nice shows in only 6 months. But I’m from Paris so we’re planning a show there before the summer.”

Average Sex

WHY are they called Average Sex?
Sam: “A few years back, after a break up, I was having quite a lot of one night stands… After one in particular, I realised that I wasn’t having a good time and sex had become quite an average activity in my life and I thought Average Sex would make a good band name. When Laetitia and I needed a name for the band, I thought that name would really suit the vibe and themes of the songs we were writing so I suggested it.”

WHEN can I see them live?
Catch the band play live in London at Shackelwell Arms on April 27th and at The Victoria on May 27th.

HOW can I get to know them better?
Stream & Buy: Spotify // Bandcamp
Like & Follow: Facebook // Twitter // Instagram
